Lest the other parts of the basement feel neglected, here are some photos of all the framing going on elsewhere. In the left-hand corner, you might be able to see some shiny new copper pipe, and a fancy 3/4 turn valve handle. This is our main water line for the house, replacing an ancient, mineral-encrusted faucet and lead service line. We're very excited to have less-contaminated water that one may even be able to drink right from the tap, without reverse-osmosis filtering first.

And back to the bathroom for a moment, if I may. This shot was taken a few days later than the ones above, and if you look on the left, you will see a pale green panel. This covers the giant hole in the wall that is soon to become the bathroom window, filled in with opaque glass block to filter in the southern light that comes in on that side of the house. Imagination here, people, please.

Meanwhile, back in the yard. The plants are doing just fine on their own, and growing like mad without me to bother them. This year just does not seem like the year to care about the garden. I do sneak back behind the construction debris to cut herbs once in awhile, and I'm always shocked at how much they've grown. It's done nothing but be alternately wet and sunny this spring and summer, and hasn't been too hot, so the plants are flourishing. So are the weeds, so don't look too closely there. If you squint, it's all just a big blurry lush green loveliness. Next year we'll try for pretty and a bit more well-groomed.

I can't believe you're doing all this renovation right now. And I hate to tell you this, but your happy plans for gardening next year may take a back burner again. But then again, given how much you're getting done this year I'm sure you'll prove me wrong. Whew. It makes me tired just to read what you're up to.
ps- when are you going to join facebook already?
Self-delusion about what my life will be like con bebe is a beautiful thing. And Facebook! The pressure! I'm about to succumb, because, geez, even my MIL is on Facebook. So, as soon as I have a spare moment and my husband is not hogging the laptop to work on HIS Facebook page, I'll get on that.
And just to clarify, this is so not a DIY project. This is a Pay Other Much More Qualified People To Do It project. Our major jobs are stressing, harassing the contractor, and being appalled at how much building materials cost.
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