She's finally here. Helene Marie Stewart Kaufman came into the world at 5:26 pm on November 19, 2008. At birth, she was 6 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 inches long.
I've finally felt recovered and settled enough to have a little time to write. Plus, Grandpa Allan is holding the baby.
Her birth wasn't what we had planned or expected; I'll post her full birth story later. But in short, what was planned as a natural birth in a birth center, and what started with a relatively fast unmedicated full labor, ended with a surprise breech baby who must have flipped from her head-down position shortly before or during labor, a transfer to a hospital, and a Caesarian section. It was far from our ideal, and we are still struggling with the emotional impact of the events.
We are focusing on our amazing, beloved little girl, which is easy, as our whole hearts belong utterly to her. She is delicate and compact, with slender little fingers, golden-fine fringes of hair, and rosy-smooth skin.
I literally can't hold her enough. Looking at her and realizing she will grow up brings me to tears. My heart hurts every time she cries. I am utterly floored by how much I love her.
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