Monday, November 30, 2009

Gone fishing

I've been suprised to hear that people still look at this page from time to time, even though it has been three months since I posted anything here. There is still a Flickr link and you can still read my inane Twitterness if you like. I guess I'll leave all of that up.

But mostly, I've moved. I'm trying out a new place in the interwebs, to see if it fits a little better now. It's a lot of the same, but it's trying to be something different. You may not like it. Then again, you might. But it's for me, not you. (Remember: it's my blog and I will curse if I want to. You can click that little X in the upper corner if you don't like it.) I wish I had more time to devote to it, to make it prettier, more Google-able, more linkable, more readable, more....more...more....I need more time, less work, more time, more lottery winnings, more time, shoulda married rich..... You get the idea.

Thanks for reading. (Collects virtual fishing rod, tackle box, six pack, and walks on down a road less traveled in a yellow wood, looking for that perfect fishing spot.)


Steven said...

I'll damned well continue reading this blog for as bloody long as I want, with or without you.

Me and the rest of the fan base will soon start pumping out K/S and femslash and make a go of it.

Pesky bloggers, trying to lay down rules.

RJStewart said...

Thanks, SS! Read on, as you like...

Steven said...

Still reading...

Anonymous said...

Hey you - try tumblr...

Love Terror